cést ca, neighbourhood restaurant (Bollenhofsestraat 142, Utrecht)
In this recently opened restaurant in Wittevrouwen, Utrecht we eat as if we where in a living room, almost as if we where visiting somebody in their home. Every night there is a fixed meal of 5 dishes. The chef and the servant take turns working either in the kitchen or in the eating-space. The place is rather unpretentious and informal, with a decor that is somewhat old-fashioned, grand-ma's like wallpaper, plates and cutlery. also the dishes are somewhat granny, good old-fashioned food with a modern twist, always made out of ingredients bought the same morning on the market.
Tante Joke (biltstraat, Utrecht)
The name almost says it all, good old-fashioned food like your aunt would cook. This is a great new take-away concept, no more fat, greasy, unhealthy take-away, this is affordable fresh dishes and real good food. Tante Joke actually turns out to be a man.
Gastmaal en de Tafel (Griftstraat, Utrecht)
also a take-away with good old-fashioned food, but with a more French or Mediterranean take on it. The dishes are really delicious, made with craftmanship and great care and more expensive than at Tante Joke.
Stamppot-to-go (nobelstraat, Utrecht)
stamppot is an old-fashioned Dutch dish is typically made of mashed potatoes, veggies (typically carrots) and smoked sausage. Having said that have to add that it exists in many, many variations, and is of course typically something made at home. Stamppot-to-go is offering this homely meal to take-away in an attempt to offer better, more healthy and nutritious take-away meals for busy urban people. The look-and-feel of this concept is fresh, bright and white, with a strong connection to health. but not really having much connection with the idea of the old-fashioned home-made dish,