Monday, November 16, 2009

Zeeman = hip

My eyes blinked twice, the yellow was almost too bright to handle. And no this was not a semi-naked David Beckham on the billboard. Closer inspection revealed that the model was a tad less sexy and that this was a Zeeman advertising for a hipster. A hip hipster from Zeeman. How do you do that? I mean how do you take a cheap and uninteresting textile supermarket and turn it into a brand?
Calvin Klein - Armani - Bjorn Borg - Zeeman
Several things goes into the mix;
  1. update and upgrade your product offer. Zeeman had already added a component to their website where you can make your own t-shirt. Well, make is maybe a too big word. There is a very limited option for customization; simple t-shirts, simple texts. But the options the tool give away, ignites the hope that there might be more to come. Then add a “David Beckham” hipster. In yellow, everybody will notice.
  2. Give something away for free. Free is nice, particularly in times of economic crisis. It almost makes you think of Zeeman as a kind friend that is helping you in difficult times. Even if your own particularly times are not that hard, you can still notice a warm wave of comfort rolling over you.
  3. Give people something to talk about. Like a yellow hipster on a billboard, that arouses talk. Everybody is talking about the yellow hipster, that’s free advertising. And when people start talking about something, then a brand starts to mine itself in their brain. They remember.

Now then you have turned perceptions around a bit, from cheap textile supermarket to cult of the trash, and maybe next brand.

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